Massage Therapy Options
Tissue or Sports Therapy Massage
30 min.; $70. A deeper massage that focuses on realigning deeper layers
of muscles and connective tissue. Is very helpful for chronically contracted areas such as low back tightness,
sore shoulders and stiff necks.
30 min.; $70. Medium to deep pressure body massage with emphasis on tight neck and shoulder muscles.
Relaxation Massage
30 min.; $70. This is a
Swedish-style body massage of light to medium pressure that will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated!
Mommy to be Massage
30 min.; $70. A relaxing yet much needed side lying body massage with special focus on low back and feet where
we tend to hold all that extra tension during pregnancy.
Schedule an Appointment Today. You Deserve It !!!
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CALL (209) 830-8855